任心豪,男,河南辉县人, 副教授,硕士生导师。2016年毕业于南开大学伟德betvlctor国际官网,获得环境科学专业博士学位。2016.6至今就职于伟德betvlctor国际官网,环境生态工程系生态工程教研室主任,土壤修复研究团队骨干成员,陕西省“秦岭生态环保青年学者”,Chemosphere,Journal of Hazardous materials等期刊杂志审稿人。
1. 陕西省自然科学基金—土壤粒径对生物炭吸附锁定镉的影响机制研究(2020JQ-719),2020-2021,主持;
2. 共青团陕西省委:秦岭野生动物-朱鹮栖息地水土环境调查,2020,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金-青年项目—根际环境对生物炭吸附锁定镉长效性影响研究(41703106)2018-2020,主持;
4. 教育部重点实验室开放课题—生物炭与土壤有机质相互作用机制及其对阿特拉津和菲吸附行为的影响(KL-PPEC-2016-2)2017-2018,主持;
(1) Junkang Guo *, Xiaohu Fan , Yanping Li , Shenghui Yu , Yi Zhang , Lei Wang , Xinhao Ren *(通讯作者). Mechanism of Selective Gold Adsorption on Ion-Imprinted Chitosan Resin Modified by Thiourea.Journal of Hazardous Materials. (2021) 125617.
(2) Guo Junkang, Li Yangping,Ren Xinhao*, Wei Ting, Jia Honglei, Hua Li, Zhang Yi, Li Yongtao, Application of Ultrasonic and Bis (2-ethylhexyl) Sulfosuccinate-based Novel Ionic Liquid on Cadmium Extraction, New journal of Chemistry, 2020,44,3045-3051.
(3) Wei Ting, Lv Xin, Jia Honglei, Hua Li, Xu Huihui, Zhou Ran, Zhao Jin, Ren Xinhao*, Guo Junkang*, Journal of Environmental Management, 2018,214:164-171.
(4)Ren Xinhao, Wang Fei, Cao Fengmei, Guo Junkang, Sun Hongwen*, Desorption of atrazine in biochar-amended soils: Effects of root exudates and the aging interactions between biochar and soil, Chemosphere, 2018,212:687-693.
(5)Ren Xinhao, Sun Hongwen*, Wang Fei, Zhang Peng, Zhu Hongkai, Effect of aging in field soil on biochar’s properties and its sorption capacity. Environmental Pollution, 2018,242:1880-1886.
(6)Ren Xinhao, Wang Fei, Zhang Peng, Guo Junkang, Sun Hongwen*. Aging effect of minerals on biochar sorption capacities for atrazine and phenanthrene. Chemosphere, 2018,206:51-58.
(7)Ren Xinhao, Yuan Xiaojia, Sun Hongwen*,Dynamic changes in atrazine and phenanthrene sorption behaviors duringthe aging of biochar in soils,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2018, 25(1): 81-90
(8)Ren Xinhao, Sun Hongwen*, Wang Fei, Cao Fengmei, The changes in biochar properties and sorption capacities after being cultured with for 3 months, Chemosphere, 2016, 144: 2257-2263.
(9)Ren Xinhao, Zhang Peng, Zhao Lijie, Sun Hongwen*, Sorption and degradation of carbary in soils amended with biochars: influence of biochar type and content, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23(3): 2724-2734
1.一种土壤粒级分离装置[P]. CN212418230U,2021-01-29
2.一种超声搅拌联合强化萃取土壤重金属的装置[P]. CN211757576U,2020-10-27
3. 利用超声波强化功能性离子液体萃取水中重金属的方法[P]. CN107586959A,2018-1-16
Email:renxinhao88@163.com ,renxinhao@sust.edu.cn