2. 陕西省重点研发计划:芬顿铁泥强化造纸废水厌氧处理技术研发与应用(2022SF-234),2022.01-2023.12,主持
10. 企业技术服务项目:工业废水实验研究,2021.01-2021.06,主持
[1] Xianbao Wang*, Tiantian Chen, Chuyue Gao, YiliXie, Anlong Zhang. Use of extracellular polymeric substances as natural redox mediators to enhance denitrification performance by accelerating electron transfer and carbon source metabolism. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 345, 126522. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2021.126522.
[2] Anlong Zhang, Chuyue Gao, Tiantian Chen, YiliXie, Xianbao Wang*. Treatment of fracturing wastewater by anaerobic granular sludge: The short-term effect of salinity and its mechanism. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 345, 126538. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2021.126538.
[3] Xianbao Wang*, YiliXie, Xuefei Qi, Tiantian Chen, Yudi Zhang, Chuyue Gao, Anlong Zhang, Wu’ang Ren*. A new mechanical cutting pretreatment approach towards the improvement of primary sludge fermentation and anaerobic digestion. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 10, 107163. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2022.107163.
[4] XianbaoWang,*Chuyue Gao, Xuefei Qi, Yudi Zhang, Tiantian Chen, YiliXie, Anlong Zhang, Junling Gao. Enhancing sludge fermentation and anaerobic digestion by mechanical cutting pretreatment. Journal of Water Process, 2021, 40, 101812. Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2020.101812
[5] XianbaoWang,*, Chuyue Gao, PengkangJin, Yudi Zhang, YiliXie, Tiantian Chen, Anlong Zhang. Nitrogen removal performance and bacterial community in a full-scale modified Orbal oxidation ditch with internal nitrate recycle and biocarriers. Journal of Water Process Engineering,2021, 40, 101791. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2020.101791.
[6] XianbaoWang,*, Tiantian Chen, Xuefei Qi, Yudi Zhang, Chuyue Gao, YiliXie, Anlong Zhang. Organic matter release from primary sludge by mechanical cutting. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2021, 40, 101986.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2020.101896.
[7] Xianbao Wang*, PengkangJin, Anlong Zhang, Junling Gao, Bo Zhang, Yinping Hou. Effect of mechanical elutriation on carbon source recovery from primary sludge in a novel activated primary tank. Chemosphere, 2020,240, 124820. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.124820.
[8] Xianbao Wang*, Tiantian Chen, PengkangJin, Anlong Zhang, Chuyue Gao, Xuefei Qi, Yudi Zhang. Enhanced total nitrogen removal performance in a full scale Orbal oxidation ditch by a novel step aeration mode. Bioresource Technology,2019, 294, 122228.doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2019.122228.
[9] PengkangJin*,Xianbao Wang, Qionghua Zhang, Xiaochang Wang, Huu Hao Ngo, Lei Yang. A new activated primary tank developed for recovering carbon source and its application. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 200: 722–730.
[10] PengkangJin,Xianbao Wang*, Xiaochang Wang, Huu Hao Ngo, Xin Jin. A new step aeration approach towards the improvement of nitrogen removal in a full scale Carrousel oxidation ditch. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 198: 23–30.
[11] Xianbao Wang, PengkangJin*, Rong Chen, Xiaochang Wang. A compact A2O MBR system for water reclamation in the northwestern China. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2014, 52: 5152–5157.
Xianbao Wang, PengkangJin*, Haifeng Lu, Xiaochang Wang. A study on the impact of sludge water on biological phosphorus removal process of the municipal wastewater treatment plant and its treatment process. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2014, 52: 5037-5043.
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1. 2017年陕西省高等学校科技进步二等奖
2. 2018年咸阳市科学技术进步一等奖
3. 2019年中国轻工联合会科技进步二等奖
Email: wangxianbao@sust.edu.cn