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2021年03月07日 17:44  点击:[]





近年主持国家级、省部级、人才计划及企业合作项目等8项;在Progress in Materials Science、Applied Catalysis B: Environmental、Materials Horizons、Chemical Engineering Journal、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Earth-Science Reviews、Science of The Total Environment、Inorganic Chemistry等国际主流期刊发表SCI论文近30篇,授权发明专利3件。



1. 环境矿物功能材料

2. 矿物固碳

3. 战略矿产金属诱导矿化

4. 微生物-矿物相互作用及其资源与环境效益

5. 矿物与尾矿综合利用



1. 类水滑石中金属价态变化对重金属固定性能与表面反应性的影响,国家自然科学基金

2. 硅酸盐细菌介导的蒙脱石风化作用对镉的固定效应与机制,陕西省自然科学基金

3. 陕西省高层次引进人才计划

4. 西安市科协青年人才托举计划

5. 酸性矿山废水重金属诱导成矿关键技术,伟德国际BETVlCTOR网页青年拔尖人才计划

6. 金属氧化态变化对类水滑石中重金属离子迁移性的影响,广东省自然科学基金

7. 土壤中Fe-类水滑石矿物的形成及其对重金属的固定作用,中国博士后科学基金一等资助



1. Minwang Laipan*, Min Zhang, Ziyu Wang, Runliang Zhu*, Luyi Sun*, Highly efficient recovery of Zn2+/Cu2+from water by using hydrotalcite as crystal seeds, Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 914: 169954.  

2. Xun Liu, Minwang Laipan*, Chao Zhang, Min Zhang, Ziyu Wang, Mengyao Yuan, Junkang Guo*, Microbial weathering of montmorillonite and its implication for Cd(II) immobilization, Chemosphere, 2024, 349: 140850.

3. Minwang Laipan*, Qingze Chen*, Ziyu Wang, Min Zhang, Mengyao Yuan, Runliang Zhu, Luyi Sun*, Interlayer Anions of Layered Double Hydroxides as Mobile Active Sites To Improve the Adsorptive Performance toward Cd2+, Inorganic Chemistry, 2023, 62: 13857-13866.

4. Lei Wang, Min Wang, Haris Muhammad, Yan Sun, Junkang Guo*, Minwang Laipan*, Polypyrrole-Bentonite composite as a highly efficient and low cost anionic adsorbent for removing hexavalent molybdenum from wastewater, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 615: 797-806.

5. JunKang Guo*, Lei Wang, YuLing Tu, Haris Muhammad, XiaoHu Fan, Geng Cao, Minwang Laipan*, Polypyrrole modified Bentonite Nanocomposite and its Application in High-Efficiency Removal of Cr (VI), Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2021, 9(6):106631.

6. Minwang Laipan#, Lichen Xiang#, Jingfang Yu, Runliang Zhu*, Benjamin R. Martin, Jianxi Zhu, Abraham Clearfield*, Hongping He, Luyi Sun*, Layered intercalation compounds: Mechanisms, new methodologies, and advanced applications, Progress in Materials Science, 2020, 109: 100631.

7. Minwang Laipan, Jingfang Yu, Runliang Zhu*, Jianxi Zhu, Andrew T. Smith, Hongping He, Dermot O’Hare*, Luyi Sun*, Functionalized layered double hydroxides for innovative applications, Materials Horizons, 2020, 7(3): 715-745.

8. Minwang Laipan, Jianxi Zhu, Yin Xu*, Luyi Sun, Runliang Zhu*, Fabrication of layered double hydroxide/carbon nanomaterial for heavy metals removal, Applied Clay Science, 2020, 199: 105867.

9. Minwang Laipan, Haoyang Fu, Runliang Zhu*, Luyi Sun*, Rachel M. Steel, Sujuan Ye, Jianxi Zhu, Hongping He, Calcined Mg/Al-LDH for acidic wastewater treatment: Simultaneous neutralization and contaminant removal, Applied Clay Science, 2018, 153: 46-53.

10. Minwang Laipan, Haoyang Fu, Runliang Zhu*, Luyi Sun*, Jianxi Zhu, Hongping He, Converting spent Cu/Fe layered double hydroxide into Cr (VI) reductant and porous carbon material, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 7277.

11. Minwang Laipan, Haoyang Fu, Runliang Zhu*, Linda Rivera, Gangqiang Zhu, Jianxi Zhu, Hongping He, Photochemically induced electron transfer: simultaneously decolorizing dye and reducing Cr(VI), Water Air & Soil Pollution, 2017, 228(11): 446.

12. Minwang Laipan, Runliang Zhu*, Jianxi Zhu, Hongping He, Visible light assisted Fenton-like degradation of Orange II on Ni3Fe/Fe3O4 magnetic catalyst prepared from spent FeNi layered double hydroxide, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2016, 415: 9-16.

13. Minwang Laipan, Runliang Zhu*, Qingze Chen, Jianxi Zhu, Yunfei Xi, Godwin A.Ayoko, Hongping He, From spent Mg/Al layered double hydroxide to porous carbon materials, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 300: 572-580.

14. 刘洵, 赖潘民旺*, 张敏, 张超, 郭军康*. 微生物-矿物相互作用:机制与重金属固定效应, 环境化学, 2024.



1. 赖潘民旺, 刘洵, 一种定向诱导重金属形成特定矿物的资源化回收方法, 2023-8-22, 中国, ZL202210689918.6      

2. 朱润良, 陈情泽, 赖潘民旺, 朱建喜, 陶奇, 何宏平, 一种利用废弃LDH再生多孔模板碳材料的方法, 2017-01-04, 中国, ZL201310603756.0

3. 朱润良, 陈情泽, 赖潘民旺, 朱建喜, 陶奇, 何宏平, 一种掺杂类石墨烯结构的纳米碳材料的制备方法, 2017-4-5, 中国, ZL201410246749.4





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